Friday, January 15, 2010

I feel like dancing...

So guess what I weigh today? 76.7kgs beeyotches!!! Firstly though an admission. When I originally weighed in this morning I was the same as last week - 77kgs. Refused to take that so proceeded to spend a bit more time on the toilet and then run up and down the stairs 5 times! Next weigh in was much more acceptable... finally seeing the 76's! I'm doubly pleased about this because I often struggle the week after TTOM not to put on and I didn't do as much exercise as I'd hoped. GB and I have started walking 5kms at lunchtimes which is great but my motivation to go to the gym after work wanes so much so that I didn't do it at all this week. I still walked another 4kms most nights after work with Westie and tried out the new wii fit plus game I got for xmas (KUNG FU!) but still not the sweaty exercise I should be doing. *wrist slap*

Day 15 of the No Chocolate January challenge and still holding fast. I must admit though my icecream intake has increased exponentially in response! I refuse to acknowlege the link between breaking through my 6 month plateau and not eating chocolate. No sirree.

Think I should clarify from last week's post - I'm not a volunteer fire fighter - those guys are hardcore! Nah I work for Dept Environment & Conservation who are responsible for tackling fires in our national parks and state forest. And my role is purely office support! Still important but not like I'm driving a dozer in 50 degree temps! Both GB and I are on preformed incident management teams which go on call over the fire season (December-April). Basically there are 5 teams and 1 is on call each week. If there is a large scale fire in the state on DEC land, the team is activated and jump into their roles to manage the fire.

NSV - I noticed this a few months ago but forgot to mention it. After swimming my many laps I would normally always swim to the edge of the pool and go up the ladder to get out, always envious of those who could hoist themselves backwards over the edge... well I can do that now! yippee!!!

Has anyone else noticed that as you've lost weight you feel the cold more? I ask, because at the moment I'm in my office at work - the temp a cosy 24C and I have goosebumps and am wishing I'd brought a jacket! I noticed through the colder months too that I really needed to layer up.

My sisters and our respective others went to an 80's party last weekend. I think we looked pretty farking special. One of my sisters completely recreated Madonna's "Lucky Star" look - I won't post her picture here as I'm not sure she'd be impressed but she looked ace. My other sister rocked a fantastic white leather jacket and crimped hair with her fiance going as Macguyver. Here's a pic of me and GB (he was aiming for Magnum PI). Wish I'd pulled my top down :)

[caption id="attachment_476" align="aligncenter" width="272" caption="The 80's - the best decade!"][/caption]

Anyway, I'm looking forward to catching up with Cara and MOTH tonight for a quick drink. Cara - this WON'T be my outfit!!

I've been suffering from a bit of heartburn lately - weird, wonder what that's all about - anyone else having this prob?

Must go do some work!

Em :)


  1. Hey Em,
    You wear that outfit and I will have no problem I'ding you lol. That said: might not fit in with the crowd!! I too am looking forward to meeting you guys! Should be good fun.

    Ok. So I got it wrong. Not a volunteer.. oops.. sorry about that.

    You might be waning on the icecream side of things, but holy cow, you exercise a lot! I'm envious. Nice NSV too!!!

    I def feel the cold more. Winter is going to be fun. That said I was always a wuss - 17 degrees and raining and I'm complaining lol. Be good, see you this afternoon.
    Cara xx

  2. Congrats on the weight the outfits!!! Say hi to Cara and thanks for all your support!!

  3. The more you lose the colder it gets. Great when it's hot cause you'll cope better but make sure to carry a jacket ;)

  4. You look so great--even with the 80's gear! :)
