Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Safety Dance

Well we had our 12 week first trimester screening yesterday and all was good. The alien thing in my belly was measuring a couple of days short of 12 weeks but the lady said half a week either way was neither here nor there and that my EDD of 1 March was close enough. We have a low risk rating for Down Syndrome and everything else looked good. Got pics & a dvd too. So we told my mum last night and she nearly lost her mind. It'll be her first grandchild and I'm sure she thought she'd never get one. We'll tell GB's parents tonight and the rest of our family/friends over the coming week. I have a performance review with my boss tomorrow so will tell him then and fill in my team next week.

I ended up going to get some fill removed last week. For about 3 weeks I wasn't keeping any food down and I honestly didn't know if it was band or pg related. It seemed I'd get a bit stuck, PB and then my pg nausea would rear up and I'd keep vomitting til nothing was left! I saw Dr Jones who didn't give me a lecture and took out 1ml. Apparently when pregnant your body produces 50% more blood so it's common for restriction to increase. Since the fill removal I've been able to keep most things down which is great.

Anyhoo, I had 50 blog posts to catch up on today so really sorry if I didn't comment on yours! Work has been all kinds of busy so I haven't been able to read daily like normal!

Happy voting this weekend Aussies!


  1. Glad to see everything is going well and the small unfill has helped you keep food down:)

  2. Congrats on reaching the 2nd trimester girl! Glad you got some fill removed... best for bubs at the moment. Eat up and enjoy!

    LBG xx

  3. Have loved reading your blog, being recently banded (Day 9), it is so nice to see some long term results and the honesty of what it is like as well.
    Congrats on your pregnancy too!
